On the 13th of August I hosted a webinar with Employment Law Expert, Danny King and HR Guru, Natasha Hawker as we combine our expertise on reviewing and restructuring your team with the effects of COVID and what your business needs to prepare now with the end of JobKeeper in sight.
We will walk through
If you would like to get in touch, please do reach out.
Ben Walker – Inspire Life Changing Accountants
ben@inspireca.com | inspire.business
Danny King – Danny King Legal
danny.king@dannykinglegal.com | dannykinglegal.com
Natasha Hawker – Employee Matters
natasha.hawker@employeematters.com.au | employeematters.com.au
The last quarter was a bit weird for most of us. We went from working in an office to working from home.
Now, the June quarter is usually a really busy time for us. It’s the time we do tax planning for all our clients. It was a pretty tough quarter on top of COVID for us as a team to get everything done, but from a tax planning perspective, we’re really happy with the results.
In the June quarter, we ended up saving our clients a total of $1.56 million dollars in tax using our legal tax strategies. But this year was a bit different, we also had JobKeeper. And through the assistance that we offered our clients, we helped our clients access $3.37 million dollars worth of JobKeeper and stimulus packages which is a huge number. There were other clients who did it on their own, but that’s the stuff that we were directly involved in helping assisting our clients through.
And the other one, through the BAS lodgement, was the cash flow boost – we had $2.55 million worth of cash flow boost.
So all together, I’m really happy to say that’s $7.5 million dollar of impact within our community of clients.
#Inspire #lifechangingaccountants #Jobkeeper #Accountants #Business
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