Goal setting is one of the most important things you should be doing with your team on a weekly or even daily basis.
But sometimes it is harder to implement them than we think.
In this video, Harvee will give you some awesome tips to help you stay on track with your company goals and show you how to set them so your team will want to crush them with you.
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jx4puMjrbas” width=”640″ height=”360″]
Hey, welcome back to 2016! Ever heard of the saying “the quality of one’s life is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions you ask of yourself”?
I’m pretty sure it was that big motivational guy Tony Robbins who said it. Makes sense though right?
Well using Tony Robbins words, today’s webinar was about drastically improving the quality of your business and your life!
Who doesn’t want that for the great 2016 ahead.
The questions are quite simple, yet many business owners (which actually sounds a lot like busy-ness owners) struggle to find the time to prioritise!
So give yourself the gift of clarity by watching the webinar on demand (it’s only 20, very entertaining minutes).
Plus we share 3 great Book recommendations, detail around how to put the TREAT in business retreat and some ideas on how to save tax while having great fun.
Yep, you guessed it … it’s another big show of Australia’s (the world’s?) coolest Accounting firm education channel.
Let’s do this!
On Demand recording:
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a5Wj-qhrae8″ width=”640″ height=”360″]
Resources, Books and Links mentioned
The Inspire CA website – inspireca.com
The Inspire CA Facebook Page – www.facebook.com/InspireCA
The #InspireMeetUp on Thurs 21st “Celebrating Great Australian Businesses” – www.facebook.com/InspireCA/events, with guest speaker Daniel Rayner the Founder of Entrepreneurs of Brisbane – https://www.facebook.com/EOBofficial/.
Email hello@inspireca.com to give feedback on the agenda for the upcoming Cash Rich Business workshop.
Book Recommendation – “On the subject of lifestyle design” – Tim Ferriss and his book, the 4 Hour Work Week – http://fourhourworkweek.com/
Book Recommendation – “Personal Wealth Strategy to Pay Yourself First” – The Richest Man In Babylon by George S Glasson – http://www.amazon.com/The-Richest-Babylon-George-Clason/dp/1508524351
Book Recommendation – “Business Wealth strategy on separating profits into a separate account FIRST” – Profit First by Mike Michalowicz – http://profitfirstbook.com/
My Top 3 Business / Life Improvement tips from this episode
Related Inspirational Quotes
“If you don’t know where you’re going, how are you ever going to get there?”
“Ask and you shall receive”
“The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions you ask yourself”
Over to you
What was your biggest business or life improvement learning or ah-ha moment from this episode?
Leave your comment on our Young Family Small Business Collaboration community – https://www.facebook.com/groups/InspireFamily/
Our guests and I respond to each and every comment.
I just recently wrote an article about a baseball team using numbers to win. And in that same week, hearing a quote, I realised something about Michael Jordan’s career.
Michael Jordan would make a great businessman. Oh, I would actually say he is a great businessman, second to basketball.
Michael set out to be the world’s greatest basketball player. He didn’t start out mucking around.
This would have been a huge target to him, but he set it. He kept it front of mind in every shot, every training session, every time he went on the court.
“I will be the best
In a recent television ad, Michael is quoted as saying:
I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I’ve lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I’ve been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.
The man knew his numbers. Even though in the quote above, he’s brought the focus on the negative numbers, he would be able to tell you how many shots he made, how many games he won, and how many game winning shots he made.
What I also find interesting about this quote is it has no mention of:
These ones that he didn’t mention are all lag indicators, rather than lead indicators that are mentioned in the quote.
The outcome of his focus, tracking and making adjustments based on these numbers ultimately lead to his success.
Touted regularly in the Top 10 lists of greatest basketball players, his success is very well known.
Well, the same principles apply:
1) Set targets
2) Know your numbers
3) Work hard
How do the multi millionaires plan for profit for the next year so they can holiday in peace?
Watch this webinar and find out:
Here is a sneak peak to what is in this webinar:
We’re the Accountants who help Young Families Use Their Small Business To Achieve Big Goals – Inspire CA – Young Family Small Business.
If you want to build a business that gives you the freedom to put family first, then you are in the right place.
This is a fairly technical article – but it is an important one.
All too often, I see business structures slapped together with average advice from accountants.
And one of the killers is just setting up a company, with individuals (usually the business owner / owners) as shareholders.
Now being open, this isn’t something that will hurt you now. There’s usually no instant adverse effects of having an individual as a shareholder.
But it will hurt you in the following circumstances:
All of these situations happen fairly regularly.
The problem is inflexibility for tax purposes.
If you sell the shares in your company – you only have potentially one individual who will pay capital gains tax on the sale.
If you issue a dividend, you are restricted to the shareholders, and cannot redirect these dividends to another taxpayer.
I have seen this happen – and it’s not fun for anyone.
The business needs a valuation as at the date the fix needs to happen.
This can cost $4 – 10k+ payable to an accountant to value the business.
Then you’ve got the change to ASIC register, and more forms to fill out. Potentially enlisting lawyers to help with the transfer / estate planning. Minimal cost, but just adds to the tears.
And then you’ll have Capital Gains Tax to pay – he more valuable that your business is, the more this will hurt.
By having a discretionary trust own the shares, you have the flexibility of who in your family group pays the tax on any capital gain from the sale of your business.
You can also issue dividends from the company, payable to the trust – which can then choose which individuals receives that entitlement.
In the long run, this can potentially save to tens of thousands of dollars in tax.
So my advice is to get it right from the start!
Oh – and it may not be wise to set up your business in a company in any case. You can use a discretionary trust to run your business – just depends on your circumstances.
Chat to someone who knows their way around business structures!
With Christmas coming up, the wheels of business tends to slow as everyone winds down for the year. But the problem for you is, you still have expenses that don’t go on holidays!
Here is a summary of the Top 5 –
Register for our next webinar on Friday 11th December 2015 ‘Plan for profit 2016’ https://inspireca.com/planforprofit
Have you ever wondered whether or not you’re in the right business structure?
Or if you have no idea why you’re set up the way you are?
To clear up the mist surrounding business structures, we’ve put together a quick 20 min LIVE webinar that answers the most common questions about Business Structures.
Want to talk about your Business and Your Structure, book in a Quick Intro – 10 Mins with Ben Walker himself and we’ll help get you sorted ASAP – https://calendly.com/
Understanding your working capital timeline allows you to control it. Understanding how cash flows to and through your business is the first step on taming the beast and setting yourself up to win.
Download your free working capital timeline infographic
Understanding your working capital timeline allows you to control it. Understanding how cash flows to and through your business is the first step on taming the beast and setting yourself up to win.
Download your free working capital timeline infographic
– multi-level marketing
– cloud accounting
Huy Vuong says
Nice and simple, very easy to understand for any business owner. Picture saids a thousand words!, Love the info graphs gusy!.. Whats the industry standard for you line of work/business, benchmark it, then look at demolishing the status quo and tighten the timeframe to improve cashflow. Call to action?
Ben Walker says
Hi Huy,
Thanks for the comment – and yes – you’re spot on with benchmarking as a start, and always making those numbers better