Build an Inspiring Book List with Harvee Pene (Partner & Business Advisor at Inspire CA) as he undertakes his 2016 Challenge: Read (implement & review) a Book a Week.
This is one of the only books that have left me laughing out loud, usually in a cafe with everyone looking, because of his amazing stories of both huge success and huge failure in business.
Every reader will take something different out of this book, but regardless of the implementations you’ll all walk away with a massive amount of motivation to make your dream business and life a reality.
This is week 3 or so in my Book a week goal for 2016. What have you enjoyed reading most so far??
p.s. There was so much gold in the Virgin Way, I thought I’d type out my notes of top takeaways.
1 – Follow your dreams and just do it. You will live a much better life if you just do it and pursue your passions.
People who have the courage to work on the things they love are often the ones who enjoy life the most.
They are also the ones who dare to take a risk and chase their dreams.
2 – Dare to make a positive difference and do some good.
If you aren’t making a positive difference to people’s lives then you shouldn’t be in business.
Companies have a responsibility to make a difference in the world. for their customers. for their staff. Everyone.
The amazing part is that doing good is amazing for business so what are you waiting for?
3 – Believe in your ideas and be the best. A passionate belief in your business and personal objectives can make all the difference between success and failure.
If you aren’t proud of what you are doing, why should anyone else be?
Don’t get stuck blindly pursuing growth and profits. Become the best at what you do and the rest will follow.
4 – Have fun and look after your team. Fun is the most important and underrated ingredients in any successful venture. If you’re not having fun then it’s probably time to call it quits and try something else
If your team members are engaged, having fun and genuinely care about other people they will enjoy they’ll enjoy their work more and do a better job, it’s really that simple.
Find people who look for the best in others lavish more praise than criticism and love what they do
5 – Don’t give up.
On any venture I’ve ever done, there have been times when the easy thing to do would have been to throw in the towel and walk away.
By simply sticking with it, brushing yourself down and trying again you’ll be amazed with what you can achieve.
6 – Take lots of notes and take on heaps of new challenges. Listen more and talk less.
Take notes, lots of notes. If you don’t take down ideas, your own and others they could be gone in the blink of an eye. You’ll be amazed at the challenges a listening culture can overcome.
Delegate and spend more time with your family. The art of delegation is the skill that any entrepreneur must master. Hire your weaknesses if you find people that can take on tasks you are not good at, it frees you up to plan for the future and spending time with your famil.y Whihc is really the most important thing in the world.
7 – Turn off that laptop or iPhone and get your ASS out there.
Rather than sitting in front of your screen all your day, trying switching it all off and going out into the world. Start with your own backyard then go out into the world. Life isn’t a dress rehearsal. With so many fascinating people to meet and so many exciting adventures to embark upon and rewarding challenges to undertake, there’s no time to lose.
8 – Communicate collaborate and communicate some more
Keep it simple stupid and above all else keep it coming. Mushrooms might grow when they’re left in the dark and fed a diet of dung but it doesn’t work with people. Remember Steve jobs and the piazza of people, build open work environments that invite your people to mingle and share their visions.
9 – Do what you love and have a couch in the kitchen
As long as you are surrounded by the people you love and are doing what you love it really doesn’t matter where you are . When we are on necker we tend to spend most of our time in the kitchen. Add a bedroom and a partner you love, and you really don’t need to much more.
A better, faster, easier way to succeed in business
Build an Inspiring Book List with Harvee Pene (Partner & Business Advisor at Inspire CA) as he undertakes his 2016 Challenge: Read (implement & review) a Book a Week.
Straight up, people around me would say I’m a pretty impatient man. So this is my kind of book – and yours too if you haven’t already given up reading.
No chapter is any longer than 3 pages.
You don’t have to read in order.
Every idea is typically a flip on what you have been taught.
For example –
ASAP is poison
UNDERDO the competition
Meetings are toxic
Fire the workaholics / Emulate drug dealers
Pick a fight
Planning is guessing
Inspiration is perishable
A great quick read.
My biggest takeaway – Stop throwing time at problems Harvee! You’re smarter than that!
I’ve worked in environments where ‘chucking all-nighters’ was not only permitted but some team members would use it as a badge of honour.
I’m guilty of doing a second shift, from 8 pm – 11pm. That’s weeknights.
And I’d do a sneaky 3 or 4 hour stint on sat and / or sun to ‘get a head start on the week’.
It’s stupid. There’s family, personal or social priorities that are being sacrificed by these quick 3 hour sessions.
Reminds me of Tim Ferriss in the 4 Hour Work Week when we said “doing something unimportant well, doesn’t make it important’.
Time to get more effective and be ‘ok’ with leaving for the day with a To Do list. There’ll always be something to do…
Have a good week ahead! Let’s make it great!
Build an Inspiring Book List with Harvee Pene (Partner & Business Advisor at Inspire CA) as he undertakes his 2016 Challenge: Read (implement & review) a Book a Week.
This is a brilliant story about the commercial and creative forces that came together to create Pixar.
You can download Creativity Inc here.
Ironically Steve Jobs only played a small role.
My biggest take away: the creative producers of movie like Toy Story would be willing to have their ideas torn to shreds and put back together again, in the interest of coming up with the final, cohesive and emotive story lines that we’ve come to love.
This is the function of a mastermind group.
Join one.
Get your ideas out there.
Let them be improved by the group.
Get accountability from your group.
You are the creative producer of your own life … make it a freaking blockbuster!
p.s. if you’re looking to surround yourself with fellow business owners who are going to hold you accountable to a higher level, start collaborating with our community here.
Build an Inspiring Book List with Harvee Pene (Partner & Business Advisor at Inspire CA) as he undertakes his 2016 Challenge: Read (implement & review) a Book a Week.
This is a brilliant story about the commercial and creative forces that came together to create Pixar.
You can download Creativity Inc here.
Ironically Steve Jobs only played a small role.
My biggest take away: the creative producers of movie like Toy Story would be willing to have their ideas torn to shreds and put back together again, in the interest of coming up with the final, cohesive and emotive story lines that we’ve come to love.
This is the function of a mastermind group.
Join one.
Get your ideas out there.
Let them be improved by the group.
Get accountability from your group.
You are the creative producer of your own life … make it a freaking blockbuster!
p.s. if you’re looking to surround yourself with fellow business owners who are going to hold you accountable to a higher level, start collaborating with our community here.
We recently attended a charity for Hummingbird House and while putting on my black tie, inquisitive 7 year old nephew asked “Uncle, what is Hummingbird House?”
I said “Do you know what a Hospice is?”
He said “Yeah it’s a sad place where old people go before they die.”
To which I said “Well Hummingbird House is a Hospice for little children, your age, who are very sick.”
As with all new or complex ideas, he took a while to register and you could see his young mind ticking.
With Family being the most important thing in the world to us, it didn’t take much thinking to realize that we needed to do all we could to help Hummingbird House.
Hummingbird House, Queensland’s only children’s hospice, will operate as an 8 bed, 24/7 medical facility, providing physician and nursing support and pain and symptom management. They will offer scheduled family breaks and emergency respite care as key features of their services.
Here are some photo’s from a recent Inspire tour of Hummingbird House
So it’s our great pleasure to let you know that every Inspiring Business Event we host raises much needed funds for this cause.
Through our January – Inspiring Business Event we raised almost $500 for Hummingbird House.
In February at our #LoversOfBusiness event we aim to raise $1,500. We’d love your support and to see you there on February 25th at 6:30 pm.
What is an Inspiring Business Event?
The Business journey can at times be lonely. Your friends, family and employees might not ‘get’ why you put so much blood sweat and tears into your business.
But other business owners understand you.
That’s why each month we bring the local small business community together for an evening of fun, food & craft beers.
It’s called an Inspiring Business Event and are a great chance to meet other Business owners on the same entrepreneurial journey as you, and find out what’s working for them.
The recent Inspiring Business Event was a huge hit with one attendee saying “this is the best meet up in Brisbane!” – here’s the Happy Snaps.
A visual memoir of the Australia Day themed Inspiring Business Event on Jan 22, 2016
Welcome to our first Inspiring Business event of 2016!
What started as a small group of like minded business owners getting together for after work drinks and a chat has turned into a Meet Up Movement with almost 500 Business owners having attended one of our Inspirational events!
Congratulations, and thanks for your support.
The purpose of this group is to INSPIRE and be INSPIRED by the compelling stories of the business owners you run shoulders with here.
My name is Harvee and I’m one of the owners of Inspire CA. We Help Young Families Use Their Small Business to Achieve Big Goals.
So if you know a business who needs their tax sorted or some proactive business advice, feel free to speak to any of the Inspire Team.
The event theme was Celebrating Great Australian Businesses.
With Australia Day coming up next week it’s a chance to acknowledge how great it is to do business in this land of opportunity.
I know from personal experience, it was my own family who turned up to Aaustralia back in 1988. We had no money. No education. No family. No hope. We worked multiple jobs. We started multiple businesses. Now I can say we enjoy a freedom and lifestyle most in the world would only dream of. Thanks largely to Australia, the land of Opportunity.
I’m grateful now to be teaching other families how to build a better business through Inspire CA.
Before we get into our Guest Speaker, I’d like to thank our 3 sponsors for the Meet Up and tell you a very sad but very happy story.
Thanks to Jayden from Discovery Finance, he’s responsible for all the drinks. Go say thanks.
Thanks to Nathan from Donovan Lawyers, if you need a family lawyer he’s your guy. He’s covered the lamb pies and Australia Pavlova.
Thanks to Jake from Next Gen Visuals who is doing the filming for our event, and could be doing regular videos for your business. Our YouTube library is going off thanks to his expertise.
Now thanks to our sponsors, food and drinks are on the house!
So let’s get to our speaker. I’m a big fan of this guy. I first came across his work when I saw a page called Entrepreneurs of Brisbane which regularly shared great stories about successful business owners in Brisbane. If you haven’t seen it, follow them on FB.
His movement has about 4.000 followers, he’s interviewed many of the great businesses that prove Australia is the land of opportunity.
He’s here for 10 mins to inspire us with both his personal journey in business and to share lessons for the many interviews he has done.
Join me in welcoming Daniel Jacob Rayner.
To have a sticky beak (classic australian saying isn’t it?) at the full event photo album, head on over to our Inspire CA Facebook page.
Introducing Inspiring Business Event – February
Welcome to our first Inspiring Business event of 2016!
What started as a small group of like minded business owners getting together for after work drinks and a chat has turned into a Meet Up Movement with almost 500 Business owners having attended one of our Inspirational events!
Congratulations, and thanks for your support.
The purpose of this group is to INSPIRE and be INSPIRED by the compelling stories of the business owners you run shoulders with here.
My name is Harvee and I’m one of the owners of Inspire CA. We Help Young Families Use Their Small Business to Achieve Big Goals.
So if you know a business who needs their tax sorted or some proactive business advice, feel free to speak to any of the Inspire Team.
The event theme was Celebrating Great Australian Businesses.
With Australia Day coming up next week it’s a chance to acknowledge how great it is to do business in this land of opportunity.
I know from personal experience, it was my own family who turned up to Aaustralia back in 1988. We had no money. No education. No family. No hope. We worked multiple jobs. We started multiple businesses. Now I can say we enjoy a freedom and lifestyle most in the world would only dream of. Thanks largely to Australia, the land of Opportunity.
I’m grateful now to be teaching other families how to build a better business through Inspire CA.
Before we get into our Guest Speaker, I’d like to thank our 3 sponsors for the Meet Up and tell you a very sad but very happy story.
Thanks to Jayden from Discovery Finance, he’s responsible for all the drinks. Go say thanks.
Thanks to Nathan from Donovan Lawyers, if you need a family lawyer he’s your guy. He’s covered the lamb pies and Australia Pavlova.
Thanks to Jake from Next Gen Visuals who is doing the filming for our event, and could be doing regular videos for your business. Our YouTube library is going off thanks to his expertise.
Now thanks to our sponsors, food and drinks are on the house!
So let’s get to our speaker. I’m a big fan of this guy. I first came across his work when I saw a page called Entrepreneurs of Brisbane which regularly shared great stories about successful business owners in Brisbane. If you haven’t seen it, follow them on FB.
His movement has about 4.000 followers, he’s interviewed many of the great businesses that prove Australia is the land of opportunity.
He’s here for 10 mins to inspire us with both his personal journey in business and to share lessons for the many interviews he has done.
Join me in welcoming Daniel Jacob Rayner.
To have a sticky beak (classic australian saying isn’t it?) at the full event photo album, head on over to our Inspire CA Facebook page.
Build an Inspiring Book List with Harvee Pene (Partner & Business Advisor at Inspire CA) as he undertakes his 2016 Challenge: Read (implement & review) a Book a Week.
Harvee – The second I walked past the title, it was book love at first sight.
“OVERSUBSCRIBED: How to get people lining up to do business with you?”
That’s exactly what I want for my business. And probably what you want for yours too.
It’s about doing business on your terms, with just your ideal clients.
It’s about bringing on new clients in waves / groups, rather than 1 at at time.
It’s about being a Key Person of Influence.
It’s about running your year and your business around series of annual campaigns.
It’s about defining a maximum capacity, and saying no to anything above that, in order to deliver a world class experience.
You’ll want to buy a copy for each of your management team and study this chapter by chapter.
In fact, Ben (my business partner) and I went on a business planning retreat last weekend and essentially reformatted our business around this model.
p.s. here’s the link to the KPI workshop (discount using that link) that’s being held in Brisbane in March that I’ll be attending for the first time if anyone wants to join.
Build an Inspiring Book List with Harvee Pene (Partner & Business Advisor at Inspire CA) as he undertakes his 2016 Challenge: Read (implement & review) a Book a Week.
Harvee – The second I walked past the title, it was book love at first sight.
“OVERSUBSCRIBED: How to get people lining up to do business with you?”
That’s exactly what I want for my business. And probably what you want for yours too.
It’s about doing business on your terms, with just your ideal clients.
It’s about bringing on new clients in waves / groups, rather than 1 at at time.
It’s about being a Key Person of Influence.
It’s about running your year and your business around series of annual campaigns.
It’s about defining a maximum capacity, and saying no to anything above that, in order to deliver a world class experience.
You’ll want to buy a copy for each of your management team and study this chapter by chapter.
In fact, Ben (my business partner) and I went on a business planning retreat last weekend and essentially reformatted our business around this model.
p.s. here’s the link to the KPI workshop (discount using that link) that’s being held in Brisbane in March that I’ll be attending for the first time if anyone wants to join.
Ever had a great idea for a business that was borne out of a frustration you faced? Ever wanted to take a 3 month Road trip around Australia? Ever tried one of those crappy frozen meals and wondered if there was anything better out there? (I know I have!)
It was an absolute pleasure to interview Dave Compton from Caveman Kitchen this week as part of our YFSB interviews – sharing the inspirational stories and strategies behind Brisbane’s well known entrepreneurs.
You’re going to love this interview, especially the systematic reverse engineering of a 3 month Road trip into a specific number of meals – genius!
Enjoy – Harvee
HP: Hi Dave, What is your business?
DC: Caveman Kitchen – we deliver healthy (gluten free, preservative free and no added sugar) to your door.
HP: What does your family look like?
DC: My beautiful fiance’s name is Abbey. We’ve been together since 2011 and will be getting married in Thailand in March!
HP: When and why did you start your Business?
DC: Abbey and I both had 9 – 5 Corporate Jobs and we got tired of spending our whole Sunday going to the markets, buying food and spending the whole day doing meal prep for the week.
So we looked out for healthy prepared meal options but they weren’t really as healthy as they professed to be. So Caveman Kitchen was born. We’re now 2 years old.
HP: So are you both professional chefs then?
DC: Not at all. I’m an engineer and Abbey comes from a background in Marketing and PR.
HP: What’s your biggest lesson learnt after 2 years in Business?
DC: Just do it. You learn far more as you go than you ever could have by delaying a start while make a ‘perfect’ plan. We went from idea to our first delivered meal in 6 weeks. What a learning curve!
HP: As you know Inspire CA helps Young Families, Use Their Small Business to Achieve Big Goals. What is a BIG GOAL you and Abbey are working towards with Caveman Kitchen this year?
DC: Over xmas we made a Big Goal of taking a 3 month road trip around Australia, later this year. This is how we reverse engineered that goal…
We started with our Organisation Chart. Right now Abbey [my future wife and business partner] and I take most of the positions. So we know now in order to get away for that amount of time, the Ideal Positions that need to be filled.
How much those positions cost, gave us the revenue we’d need to achieve in order to afford the roles. We now have a Revenue Target with a real reason behind it – our 3 month road trip!
We also know exactly how many meals we need to make to reach the revenue target. But that’s not the end of it. Revenue isn’t going to increase on its own!
We’ve broken the Goal of increased revenue (e.g. number of meals sold) into a number of Strategies (e.g. Increase website conversion rate) and each strategy into a number of Tactics (e.g. A / B Split Test website content).
For us, this process has broken down a Big Scary (and Hairy) Audacious Goal into manageable chunks that I can prioritise and systemise.
HP: That’s brilliant. I personally subscribe to Caveman Kitchen meals and I love them – especially the all day breakfast. How might our Inspire readers get a taste for what you do?
DC: Here’s a promo code for Inspire that will get you $30 off your first order. Go to and enter the code ‘LIFE’