[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcaGg10f5pk” width=”640″ height=”360″]
When it comes to claiming GST on a car (Goods & Services Tax), it’s very similar to claiming GST on any other business expense.
You can only claim the GST to the percentage that it relates to earning an income in your business.
So you need to keep a logbook.
A logbook tracks the number of business-related kilometres that you drive, and your total kilometres in that time. This will give you your ‘logbook percentage’.
Your logbook percentage will tell you the percentage of GST, and tax deductions for car related expenses that you can claim in your BAS and tax return.
This depends on how the business is registered for GST.
Small businesses are usually registered for GST on a cash basis.
Most larger businesses (turning over $2M in a year) will need to be registered for on an accruals ‘Accruals’ – or non-cash basis.
If you’re like most small businesses, and GST is on a cash basis, then you can claim the GST on the new car in the quarter that you take delivery (or settlement) of your car.
This is because either your finance company has ‘paid’ for the car on that date. Or, you’ve paid for that car in full from your bank account.
When it comes to accruals GST, you can claim the GST when you sign the contract for the new car.
You put this claim in on your quarterly or monthly BAS (business activity statement).
Your up front claim of the GST can be used to fund the first few instalments payable to your finance company.
As a small business, it doesn’t matter whether you or the finance company pays for the car – you can still claim the GST when you pick up the car!
We believe that every business owner has an inspiring story to tell. A story of how they began. A story of how they overcame the odds. A story of what drives them. A story of when they had a breakthrough. A story of who inspires them to keep going. Entrepreneurs of Brisbane is where we tell these inspirational stories, one entrepreneur at a time.
Hi Entrepreneurs Jessica Kate here, Editor of Entrepreneurs of Brisbane (EOB) and Community Manager at Inspire CA.
Anyone who has met me, knows that I’m a people person.
I get my energy from other people and I exist to share my own positive energy with the world.
I call this sharing of energy – collaboration. And one of the Queens of collaboration is my friend Francesca Moi our EOB feature for this week.
Collaboration is one of the foundations of connection with other human beings. It’s obviously an investment but I promise you, it’s worth the reward.
You probably already intuitively know this but shared experiences make you happier and are a key ingredient in social connection.
So what can you do with someone else that will make your connection stronger – Plan a group run, have a party, cook a meal, volunteer together or go to a networking event together?
With that action in mind, let me introduce you to our Entrepreneurs of Brisbane feature for this week.
I nominated Francesca to be featured on Entrepreneurs of Brisbane because in a world where there are lots of Life Coaches and people running networking events Francesca is one of the good ones.
In fact during her interview she told me an unforgettable story about not getting burnt. It goes a little like this (sorry francesca if I get it wrong)…
“I think of Entrepreneurship as ‘Entrepreneur-SHIP’. We are all on this ship together and we can look out into the ocean of all the people there are to collaborate with. Some people are sharks and some people are dolphins. From above the water all you can see is a Fin. It’s not until you get closer, under the surface that you realise if someone is a shark or a dolphin.”
Well I can tell you that Francesca is definitely a dolphin! Her energy is abundant and her pure vision for helping connect like minded people has both helped me and many I know.
So, introducing Francesca Moi –
“I have lived my whole life living the life that everyone else wanted for me, until I realised it didn’t have to be that way. I found my true passion in connecting like minded people and forming communities. Collaboration is a powerful thing! Why try to do it on your own when we can work together. My advice is believe in yourself, find what you are truly passionate about and surround yourself with passionate people. Only then you will live the life you want to live!”
Want more Inspiration?
by Miki Agrawal.
Build an Inspiring Book List with Harvee Pene (Partner & Business Advisor at Inspire CA) as he undertakes his 2016 Challenge: Read (implement & review) a Book a Week.
I believe everyone wants to do cool shit in their lives.
Everyone wants to leave their mark.
Everyone wants to have the light turned on in their eyes.
Everyone wants to share stories that they care about.
So this is the guidebook to achieve just that.
Miki (the Author) seems like the perfect balance of fun loving hippie, crossed with super disruptive hippie.
There’s heaps of practical business stuff like how to start a business, fund it on a shoestring budget, brainstorm a
business plan, test a product, get great (free) press coverage.
But definitely told through the fun loving lense of a spirited girl who leading a life she can be proud of.
I found that really inspirational.
It’s definitely a refreshing change from some of the stuffy and heavy business books out there.
She’s very well accomplished –
She learned how to step out of her comfort zone in a foreign country.
She played soccer for the New York Magic
She partnered with Tony Hsieh of Zappos.com to launch her dream business.
My actionable takeaway this week is a little more light hearted compared to other weeks – it’s to find a girlfriend like Miki :).
If you like the happy ending stories of people who have no idea about business but just follow their heart and learn along the way – you’ll love Do Cool Sh*t.
While most of us will hopefully accumulate enough superannuation throughout our working lives to have a comfortable retirement, many of us simply won’t have the funds there to splurge on something nice every now and then.
What if we could tell you there’s a way to boost your superannuation earnings that reduces the amount of tax you have to pay on your contributions at the same time – would you be interested?
Who wouldn’t!
As one option to consider, by purchasing a commercial property within a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF), you can use the power of leverage to boost the growth of your retirement savings.
The interest on the loan is 100% tax deductible which means not only will you be making more money; you’ll be saving tax at the same time!
The other benefit of investing in Commercial property through your SMSF is diversification.
Some people are tired of the share market going up and down like a yo-yo and prefer property as an investment. Investing in property in additional to shares will mean you won’t have all your eggs in one basket.
This gives you peace of mind knowing a sharp downturn in shares one day won’t be the end of your retirement savings.
Sounds good? Absolutely, but it isn’t something you should rush into without discussing your situation with your Accountant or Wealth Advisor first.
Investing in property through an SMSF can be complex and you will need to be confident in your numbers before you get started.
We’re here to help you!
Need to speak to an accountant? Book a ZERO cost 20 minute strategy call with an Inspire Accountant at https://inspire.accountants/chat
Ben Walker of Inspire SMSFS Pty Ltd (1243433) is an authorised representative of Finance Wise Global Securities Pty Ltd ABN 60 146 708 045. Finance Wise Global Securities Pty Ltd holds an Australian Financial Services License (No. 397877).
Build an Inspiring Book List with Harvee Pene (Partner & Business Advisor at Inspire CA) as he undertakes his 2016 Challenge: Read (implement & review) a Book a Week.
Happy pre-Australia Day people’s. Turns out this book a week challenge isn’t so hard, once you get your momentum up!
The key is in implementation, rather than passive reading. So here’s my review and an implementation point for this week. Jack Delosa Unprofessional.
It’s a brilliant ‘all rounder’ business book covering the key areas of business, Sales, Marketing, Vision, People, Online Strategies etc.
There’s a line in the book that I’ve never been able to forget which was (something along the lines of…) “most businesses are a solution looking for a problem”.
As an ideas guy …
(I think most Business owners are “Ideas People”, we all had the great idea to go into business for ourselves, dreaming of greater freedom and the ability to do things our way)
… I’ve been guilty of falling in love with my own products / services and trying to get everyone to do the same.
Jack teaches a great methodology of testing and iterating to ensure you achieve product to market fit, or put simply to ensure your product solves a need.
We applied this methodology 2 weeks ago in our own business and have since trimmed 3 service offerings from our menu enabling us to focus on the key 1 or 2 services that are both the most profitable and the most impactful for our clients. It’s also meant we could massively trim down our marketing activities pointing to these services – essentially saving us one Full Time person this year.
As the owner of an Accounting firm (but not an accountant) my favourite chapter that I recommend you read is Chap 7, “Know Your Numbers” as I know how many business owners struggle with this piece of their business pie and he explains the 3 things and the 3 people every business needs, so simply.
10 / 10 Jack. Looking forward to the next one, which I see is only a few months away #unwritten #reinventtomorrow
Our own start up story, told for the first time.
WOW it’s Inspire CA – Young Family Small Business 3rd Birthday today.
For the first time, I’m going to share the cool story about how Ben Walker and I met (and way later came to be in business together)
I helped start a big change management movement in the Accounting Industry, helping Accountants around Australia move away from doing just tax and have a more meaningful impact in their clients lives.
In helping 500+ Accountants over 5 years, one day I got a call from this young guy who told me his vision for his new firm.
He was working as a cog in a (big 4) machine.
He dreamed of a firm that made a real impact in the community and the world.
He dreamed of a practice that used cloud tech, so it could have a closer relationship with it’s clients.
He dreamed of a business that existed for good. That didn’t charge by the hour (or minute).
He dreamed of a community of Business owners that collaborated together instead of competing. Who each shared what’s working for them.
His name was Ben Walker and that dream became Inspire CA – Young Family Small Business.
So he was a client of mine. Once Inspire was off the ground, our commercial relationship ended but we remained good friends.
I ran a regular networking event at Inspire for Business Book Lovers.
We both had a common mentor in Paul Dunn, founder of B1G1.
Last year when I decided to scratch my entrepreneurial itch, Ben and I decided to join forces.
Since then we’ve worked with many very special team members (past & present) to help us on our cause – Jessica Kate, Carolina Perez, Juan Felipe Rivas, Huy Vuong, Rafael Arias, Phil Shephard, Kathryn Vellacott, Hieu Nguyen, Mauricio Amador, Pia Camara & Ethan Paraha-Cutts
We’ve built collaborative communities that total tens of thousands…
Entrepreneurs of Brisbane
Business Owners on a Roll
Accountants Making Radical Impact
Young Family Small Business (YFSB) – Inspire CA Collaboration Community
We daily receive feedback from clients about the changes we are making in their business and their lives.
And best of all, we are lucky to consider many of the great business owners we serve as close personal friends.
An Inspire Family you could call it.
So thank you Victor Ahipene Moana Thomas Francesca Moi Kristin JacobsenJeremy Johnston Joe Winston Natalie Taylor Sharon Cliffe Paul Bevan Carina Paraha Shay Spence Jake Kay-Lawson Conor Calder-Potts Lucas Meadowcroft Nathan DonovanMell Balment Suzanne Dawson Daniel Jacob Rayner Jeff Walker Jeff Thompson Trish Walker and the hundreds of other families who are ambassadors of Inspire.
A big happy birthday and we look forward to celebrating BIG TIME on Feb 25th – www.bit.ly/Loversofbusiness
#AccountingAnswers: 3 tips to even out the ups and downs
Fixing cashflow problems is like dealing with the pain of a toothache.
In this week’s #AccountingAnswers you’ll get 3 practical step to relieve your business of the pain of cashflow, once and for all.
Each week Inspire CA brings you #AccountingAnswers. Responses to the most important or most frequent Accounting questions we get from our community. If you’ve got a burning question you want #AccountingAnswers to then email us on hello@inspireca.com.
Build an Inspiring Book List with Harvee Pene (Partner & Business Advisor at Inspire CA) as he undertakes his 2016 Challenge: Read (implement & review) a Book a Week.
Happy pre-Australia Day people’s. Turns out this book a week challenge isn’t so hard, once you get your momentum up!
The key is in implementation, rather than passive reading. So here’s my review and an implementation point for this week. Jack Delosa Unprofessional.
It’s a brilliant ‘all rounder’ business book covering the key areas of business, Sales, Marketing, Vision, People, Online Strategies etc.
There’s a line in the book that I’ve never been able to forget which was (something along the lines of…) “most businesses are a solution looking for a problem”.
As an ideas guy …
(I think most Business owners are “Ideas People”, we all had the great idea to go into business for ourselves, dreaming of greater freedom and the ability to do things our way)
… I’ve been guilty of falling in love with my own products / services and trying to get everyone to do the same.
Jack teaches a great methodology of testing and iterating to ensure you achieve product to market fit, or put simply to ensure your product solves a need.
We applied this methodology 2 weeks ago in our own business and have since trimmed 3 service offerings from our menu enabling us to focus on the key 1 or 2 services that are both the most profitable and the most impactful for our clients. It’s also meant we could massively trim down our marketing activities pointing to these services – essentially saving us one Full Time person this year.
As the owner of an Accounting firm (but not an accountant) my favourite chapter that I recommend you read is Chap 7, “Know Your Numbers” as I know how many business owners struggle with this piece of their business pie and he explains the 3 things and the 3 people every business needs, so simply.
10 / 10 Jack. Looking forward to the next one, which I see is only a few months away #unwritten #reinventtomorrow
Build an Inspiring Book List with Harvee Pene (Partner & Business Advisor at Inspire CA) as he undertakes his 2016 Challenge: Read (implement & review) a Book a Week.
1st day back in 2016 and it was highly appropriate to ‘just’ finish this awesome book on the boat ride into the office this morning.
This was the first book in my ‘a book a week in 2016 challenge’ (which you’ll receive weekly reviews of here).
Built to Sell caught my attention as I’m 6 months into my ownership of Inspire and so far so great.
But to be honest I have been torn with what to do in the future…
Build and sell? Or build and hold (aka sit on a cash cow)?
Chances are you too aren’t sure about what to do with your business either?
Regardless of build and sell or build and hold, this is a brilliant read about how to make your business more saleable for the future and in so doing, way more profitable (and enjoyable) for the present!
I’ll take that.
Chances are you (like me) went into business for greater freedom.
But along the way we get caught up (or you could even say lost) in the many hats we have to wear. Sales, Marketing, HR, Cleaner, Bookkeeper etc not including our actual profession!
I’ll personally be implementing this book to help keep me on track with the end goal…
… A business that has massive impact on the world but isn’t solely dependant on me.
Which is a great prospect seeing as I’ve just come down off of a month holiday in NZ!
To me, extended holiday with friends and family is high on my priority list.
Built to sell – A brilliant and easy read (told as a very relatable story instead of the typical business ‘textbook’ style).
Highly recommended.
Ps I’m curious, is your plan to Build and Sell or something else?
Bibi McMurray says
Jack is an awesome guy and his vision is awesome. My copy of Unprofessional is filled with post-it notes. I love it, It is a keeper. Actually it’s the first book that I have ever underlined in which is normally a no go for me. But there was just so much great information.
I can’t wait till unwritten is out.
Ben Walker says
Hi Bibi,
Thanks for the comment, and he’s great!
Unwritten isn’t far away – May 2016 from memory?