Would you like to pay by the hour or by the result? Let’s focus on saving money not charging fees

Would you like to pay by the hour or by the result? Let’s focus on saving money not charging fees


Do you ever feel yourself getting a little uncomfortable, suspicious or even cynical when you are getting charged by the hour by a consultant of some sort?  It’s okay, we do too.  It’s not a bad thing and it’s totally normal to wonder what’s really going on while you’re not around.  Here’s another question, do you find it difficult to explain a problem while you’re on the clock? And that clock is removing hard-earned cash from your wallet every 6 to 15 minutes?  In which case are you thinking about the advice you’re receiving or the money you’re spending?

I am asking you to think about these questions because as you know our focus is on helping you to pull more money and family time and happiness from your business and sidestep the stress where possible.  Oh and make no mistake – those feelings of cynicism quickly turn to stress when you’re paying huge amounts of tax unnecessarily and you don’t even know why.


The beginning and the end

We are all at the tail end of another BAS quarter (that came around quickly, didn’t it?) and right on the door step of another tax season.  We’ve made no secret of the fact that saving tax is all about having and executing a good, solid plan.  We had a tax-saving plan last year and we even set ourselves an ambitious target: save our clients $500k.  However, things got a little out of hand and we managed to saved our clients more than double that.  Our advice to you is to get onto either executing, working on or starting a plan to help maximise your savings.

If you need help with that, please do ask us – we’d love to help.


You’re paying for more savings and great advice, not hours and minutes

So one of the things that makes us unique here at Inspire is that our clients pay for a result.  We pride ourselves on tax saved, on positive impacts created within and outside our communities and of course the quality of life we have a hand in creating with the service we provide.  We don’t talk about billable hours, filling up timesheets and revenue raised.  Why would we when we started our business to help others, not helping ourselves to others cash.

It sounds like a bit of a brag and maybe it is in one way, but in reality we are just so focused on delivering to you what you’re paying for.  Which is great advice and cold, hard, tax savings.  That’s what our clients pay us for – not time.

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