I had the pleasure of joining Natasha Hawker on a webinar last week around the topic of JobKeeper 2.0. Natasha is an employee expert and founder of Employee Matters.
Here’s what she said –
“It’s not the strongest of the species that survives, not the most intelligent that survive, it is the one that is the most adaptable to change.” – Charles Darwin.
I think this is really compelling at the moment. I love this quote because I would like to ask yourself, “are you adaptable to change?” I think everyone needs to get really comfortable because this is the new norm for us and the only constant is going to be change.
For those that survive this in business, and there are some fairly scary statistics flying around at the moment, but for those who survive, they absolutely need to have their team on what is going to be the rollercoaster ride with them. And those teams that have that buy-in to the business’s success will be the teams that succeed. They won’t be the teams or businesses that fail.
For HR advice, get in touch with Natasha at http://employeematters.com.au/
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