If you’ve got excess money outside of super that you don’t need to live on, you could invest that outside of super such as property, shares or, you can put it into super and invest it through your super fund.
The benefit of doing that is, when your investments earn a return, you’re going to pay 15% or 0% tax on the earnings in the super fund versus 34%, 39%, or a bucket company at 30% where you’re paying at least twice the amount of tax outside of super.
Where we’ve got clients with more wealth than they need to live on outside of super, we encourage that the super fund is a way better strategy for reducing their tax on investment income. It is a longer-term play.
You can own commercial properties and all sorts of things in super, as well as outside. Developments are the tricky thing, but that’s something you can structure where if you’ve got other parties in that development with you, you can use self-managed super fund money for that as well.
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