Make BAS work for you

Learn how to turn a BAS Deadline into a BIZ Lifeline.

Of course, there’s more to “getting BAS right” than merely satisfying the minimum requirements set out by the ATO.

The BAS process offers the in-the-know business owner valuable insights into:

Growth building profit drivers – their effect and where they are coming from
Vital course corrections – what’s going right and what’s costing too much and what to do next
The state of play – are you winning, are you behind and why?

In this 90 min interactive webinar, you will learn –

5 common BAS mistakes and how to avoid them
How business structures affect the BAS / Tax you pay
Save Tax, Boost Profit and Accelerate Cashflow using using your own:

– Profit and Loss or P&L
– Balance Sheets
– GST report
– Cash flow summary
– Business budget

Getting the most value from your business advisory board

– Your Bookkeeper
– Your Accountant
– Your CFO (chief financial officer)

If you hate BAS Time it’s probably because –

* You feel you are paying too much tax, and it is chewing in to your cashflow.
* You don’t have enough set aside to pay the BAS, and your accountant is of little help.
* You don’t really know how the business is performing, or how to turn things around.

Learn how to turn things around this BAS season with Inspire.

“The big difference between winning occasionally and winning almost always is not only knowing the score but understanding the factors that can and will influence it.”

– Ben Walker

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