The Magic that makes a better lifestyle

Every Friday we just want to stop the world for a moment and give you a couple of real tips to think about that will make a real difference to your business and in your life.

It’s Friday and if the weekend hasn’t yet started for you yet, it will very soon.  Or will it?  

Quite a number of people work through the weekend and take a break on another day(s).  However, a lot of people, particularly those in small business tend to work their core hours, then put in a few hours to take care of admin, then a little bit of designated panic/worry time over what the next month may or may not bring, then…  Realistically though, everyone takes a break, be it short power-packed escape from the business say, every quarter or a more leisurely exhale once every year (or so) and pay the price later.  But is this the best way to enjoy the fruits of your labour and if not, are their alternatives?


Alternative business lifestyles

I know a lot of people who work for someone or a company and they turn up Monday through Friday.  Their desk/cubicle/office is their home from 9 to 5 (okay 8-6), five days a week, 48 weeks a year.  Some of them like it, some just shrug, some genuinely love it.  But what I find is that those that leave to start their own business, weren’t loving what they were doing previously – for a variety of reasons.  They felt trapped, wanted to spend more time with family and/or friends or just felt that there was something better out there for them.

What a lot of them find though is that their new life is a combination of what we just talked about: core hours of work, stress, admin – a lot of work for less-than-anticipated reward.

There is another lifestyle that can be achieved and it’s probably closer to the one that we all envisage when we get started. That’s the one where, on a monthly basis, we:

  • feed our time energy and passion into the business,
  • take home an amount of pay that we’re happy with,
  • reward ourselves with a bonus if and when everything comes together and we post some outstanding results
  • enjoy more time than we thought possible with our loved ones, doing things we love
  • take care of the tax payments (only what you need to pay of course) and
  • service all expenses – overheads, subscriptions, debts

Some of you are living this life already as opposed to thrashing around in the ocean of small business, coming up for air when you can and calling it a holiday.  What you need is a little magic!


The secret behind the magic number

Like all good magic tricks, it looks baffling, impossible even.  But when you’re shown how it was done you say, “wow, that was a lot simpler than I thought it would be.”

If it feels like those 6 points are magic, it’s because they are.  These are the basics that make up the magic number that we talk about so often and so passionately.  You’ve heard the saying, “you can’t hit what you can’t see?”  In this case it’s true.

Tip: Go ahead and assign dollar values to each of those 6 points.  When you add them all up, you will have the magic number your business needs to come up with to live your alternative lifestyle, the one you always wanted.


So go on, find the magic in your magic number (we can help you with that) and have that weekend you’ve been wanting – every weekend.