Quick reminder about JobKeeper for the month of December – we actually get three fortnights for the month of December, and the third one actually finishes on the 4th of January. So if you are eligible for the first extension of JobKeeper 2.0, our last month is to claim for this December – you can do so from the 4th January.
We’ve also got an extension this month – instead of normally being the 14th of each month (because of Christmas, and maybe your accountant or yourself are on holidays and you’re not in that quick reporting rhythm) the ATO have given you until the 28th of January to report on your December JobKeeper turnover threshold on your next month.
Also, just a reminder, because we are finishing the first extension of JobKeeper 2.0, we do start the next extension. So it’s a separate turnover test to claim for January, February and March, and we do need to look at your December quarter in 2020 versus your December quarter 2019. That’s on a first pass, but you may have to look at alternative tests depending on your business.
Being the first few days of January, now is a good time to work out whether you can expect to receive the JobKeeper 2.0 extension for the second round in January, February and March.
I hope you’re having a good holiday.
Get your JobKeeper sorted pretty early on and everything should be good to go.
If you need to have a chat with an Accountant about your business – book in a free Strategy Chat with an Inspire Life Changing Accountant today.
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