Your current account may be a dinosaur if he / she –
- Offers advice late or not at all
- Does only what you ask
- Basically just does tax
- Only sees you once or twice a year
- Charges you for a quick call or email
- Charges by the hour (or the minute)
- Charges like a bull (aka expensive)
- Doesn’t try save you tax pre-EOFY
- Doesn’t visit / call
- Doesn’t follow up
- Doesn’t embrace cloud & tech
- Doesn’t run a great business him / herself
- Is quite frankly, boring…
- Doesn’t explain things simply
- Doesn’t help with business advice
- Isn’t approachable
- Takes hours, days and even weeks to respond
- Is buried in paper
- Is about to retire
- Doesn’t give to charitable causes
- Passes you on to the junior accountant
- Communicates poorly
- Over-promises & under-delivers
- Let’s you know your BAS is due, on the day it’s due
Accountants that do the opposite of the above are priceless member of your advisory team.
Keep them close and never let them go.