How we make it our business to make a difference
Some of us are born in war torn, drought ravaged countries and some of us are born into favourable circumstances in affluent societies and that’s the truth. And depending on which camp you fall into, the facts may be easier or more difficult to live with. It’s called fate, or luck or even providence and there’s really nothing that can be done about that. Or is there…
Happily, more and more businesses are looking to disrupt the status quo of accepting “the way of the world”, especially in areas we sometimes forget about. Brisbane-based Inspire CA is just one of a number of businesses inspired to search for and find new and better ways to shift the needle, to make a difference. B1G1 was that difference-maker.
B1G1 (Buy 1 Give 1 or Business for Good), a globally aligned corporate “giving” hub, inspired Ben Walker and Harvee Pene of Inspire CA. They discovered ways to both incorporate giving into the fabric of their everyday activities and keep it top of mind enough to celebrate achievements and milestones. Here’s how.
Send an email, it’ll be worth it!
Put simply, every email that enters or leaves the Inspire CA server is worth one cent which means safe drinking water for someone far away and in desperate need. There’s a temptation to mark all your emails urgent and important!
But emails are not the only catalyst. Prospect and client meetings yield funds for schools in Cambodia and strategic planning sessions provide food for impoverished children in India.
“This is great because it overcomes the inevitability of a very common problem with traditional workplace giving – we either lose sight of what we’re achieving as predetermined amounts of pre-tax dollars noiselessly, almost apologetically exit the account at regular intervals or because we’re human, which give us the capacity to care deeply, we have the capacity to forget… and feel awful about it, but forget nonetheless. Humanity.” Ben Walker CEO, Inspire CA on remembering what’s important
Everyday lives and prospects are improving with every welcoming handshake, email and initiative. Inspire CA and others have B1G1 to thank for providing the impetus and a new approach to disrupting poverty during the normal course of the business day.
If you want to create hope and better lives for others with every email or phone call, start by chatting to B1G1 at xxxxxxx