Announcing The Live Your Legend ‘Unofficial’ Music Video! –

The original article was published by, and written by Scott Dinsmore June 25, 2014.

Believe it or not, Live Your Legend has a music video…

And it’s not the one of me pathetically trying to break dance (which, unfortunately, you can find on YouTube – in the interest of focus, I’m not linking to it. :)

But yes, we actually have a music video. In fact, we have a lot of them – dozens from cities and countries all over the world.

So today, I want to show off your work.

When we first launched Live Your Legend LOCAL, our in-person communities around the world, I threw down a 30-second dance contest challenge asking each group to film their own dance that embodied what it meant to do work that mattered, and to surround themselves with like-minded, inspiring (and kinda crazy) people. I promised the winner that we’d feature their group’s video and any related projects on LYL to share with all of you.

I shouldn’t have been surprised when the videos started to roll in, but I was.

From Australia to Dubai and everywhere in between, the show of vulnerability, creativity, passion – and dare I say talent – left me in awe. I expected some funny videos, but I did not expect music videos, trains and choreography. I should have known better!

It’s been a little while since our January 7th global meetup, and hundreds of groups have met since then, which is incredible. I thank you for your patience. We quickly realized choosing a winner was impossible, so instead we tried to base our choice on “most creative”, which left us with two standouts…

The winners of our 30-second dance contest are Ben Walker from Brisbane, Australia and Linda Buchner from Kansas City, Missouri!

Filming a video is not easy. Nor is dancing in front of strangers. Then try filming a dance video with people you just met in a bright room with little or no alcohol – for the world to see – and suddenly you’re on a totally different level.

We talk a lot about how authenticity and vulnerability are at the heart of genuine connection – both with those around you and those observing (i.e. your audience). That’s what I’ve loved most about seeing our communities around the world do their thing. Ben and Linda are star examples.

As for the other submissions, have no fear – we’ll be showing off your rhythm when we debut our LYL Local video montage at the World Domination Summit LYL pre-party and beer tasting we’re hosting in Portland on July 11th. Our first 150 spots filled up, but I just released a few more, so if you’re anywhere near Portland (you don’t have to be attending WDS), come join us for my favorite LYL and Connect With Anyone reunion of the year! 

For now, let’s focus the well-deserved spotlight on Ben and Linda’s dance moves and passion projects as we get ready for the fun to come. Press play, then spend a little time with their work to see how you can help further the cause – because as we know, no one does anything alone…

Dance Party #1: Live Your Legend LOCAL Brisbane, Australia – Hosted by Ben Walker

Click here to watch video

Now here’s a little about what Ben’s working on, in his own words…

Inspire Cafe: An Entrepreneur’s Hideout & Coworking Cafe Built in the Office of an Accounting Firm!?

Ben WalkerA few months into starting an accounting firm in the complete opposite direction to the industry’s norm, I wanted to create something really radical! What we came up with was a cafe at the centre of our accounting firm, which also acts as a coworking space and entrepreneur hideout for the business community.

Fitting with my vision of connecting and equipping entrepreneurs to grow, Inspire Cafe took form. Now we’re hosting a massive range of events, from meeting room and boardroom rentals to book launches of local authors, networking events for local business groups and LYL Local!

We’re a totally gluten free and organic cafe too – we know allergies, and don’t like it when people feel left out. We created Inspire Cafe just to be that hideout, where you know other entrepreneurs are in the same boat all together.

Our ideal accounting clients are entrepreneurs and business owners in creative industries and professional services, so the fit is perfect. And since launching in February of 2013, we’ve grown by over 10x!

How you can help: 

If you’re ever floating through Brisbane and looking for a place to relax with your laptop, hook up to Wi-Fi and punch out a blog post or a few hours of work on the road, be sure to drop in!

Also, we’ve recently written a free guide to help entrepreneurs and business owners understand and manage their cash flow. You can download it on our homepage. Hope it’s helpful!

Learn more about our coworking space here: Inspire Cafe

Fun fact about Ben: My fiancé reckons that I do a really good impression of a goat!!

You can join Ben’s LYL Local Brisbane group here


Dance Party #2: Live Your Legend LOCAL Kansas City, Missouri – Hosted by Linda Buchner

Click here to watch video

Now check out what Linda’s working on, in her own words…

At-Risk High School Students Build Efficient Electric Vehicles and Take Them on the Road Showing America that the Next Generation of Innovators Are Where We’d Least Likely Look

LindaFour years ago, I co-founded MINDDRIVE, an after school program for at-risk high school students. Our model, which includes heavy involvement of volunteer mentors from all walks of life, involves approaching education from a hands-on, experiential way.

We encourage creativity, innovation, problem solving, teamwork and collaboration through projects specifically related to the environment. Our primary projects have been the design, restoration, and conversion of gas-powered cars to being fully electric.

To date, we’ve converted 2 Indy Champ cars, one Lotus Esprit and 5 vintage Volkswagon Karmann Ghias. To prove their efficiency and celebrate their success, we take the students on an annual trip where they share their story with their peers and the general public as we travel places they’ve never dreamed of going!

How you can help:

We’ve seen the impact that can happen when adults get involved in the education of the children of their community. It’s huge! Especially with the at-risk, lower income, minority communities where role models may not be prevalent, a strong voice of encouragement goes a long way.

So come join our Raise Your Hand Movement by signing up on our “Click to be Counted” campaign. We want to create a community of like-minded people who believe that together we can move the needle in education.

Learn more here: MINDDRIVE

Fun fact about Linda:

I used to be afraid of most inner city high school kids. I don’t have any kids of my own so I felt like a fish out of water – who am I to start such a program?! Seeing the lights come on in the eyes of these kids has changed my life and my heart!

You can join Linda’s LYL Local Kansas City group here