Stay focused on your area of focus

Stay focused on your area of focus

If you are an accountant that delivers excellent service and measures their achievements by how much tax you save people – stop reading now and carry on with what you’re doing.  If not, we’d like to echo some advice that came to us from one of our own clients:

“The best part about your customer service is that your people are intuitive… This is so extremely helpful given that, quite frankly, the accounting end of my business isn’t where my focus is.” (see full commentary here)

Obviously this is great feedback and it makes us very proud of what our people are doing for our clients.  At least as important, is the admission that accounting is not the focus of the people that gave the feedback.  The ability to focus on your area of expertise and provide top notch products and/or service is an absolute difference-maker and deserves to be.  This is because providing and adding value to enhance customers’ experience still goes largely ignored across a number of business sectors.

I’ve written previously about the fact that value focus is both important and also the key to unlocking better business results.  Along with reducing unnecessary expenditure, preserving/growing profits and minimising tax, “the difference”, the spark or that elevated level of expertise brings you additional income.  Wading hip-deep through accounts till the wee, small hours of the morning and staggering to work the next day, does not.


Only you can be you

You know why you started/built/established/bought into/bought your business.  You probably had a passion for what it is you do, like us, maybe you started out with an ideal that stood at odds with what you were doing previously.  Either way, your reasons are your own and as long as you can focus on doing that thing to the best of your ability, you’ll be happy and it will show in your approach and service.

It’s a real shame when local business people turn away from the passion that supports (or should support) their family, simply because they don’t understand tax.  Or BAS or don’t realise the potential of an SMSF opportunity or business structures or some other aspect of the finances.  When I hear people say, “I couldn’t make it as a florist/mechanic/tradesman/creative/personal services (insert any other small business here) when really they’re saying, I couldn’t make it as an after-hours bookkeeper/CPA – well it’s disheartening.

Have a word to us to us if this might be you.  We’ll focus on your numbers and involve you where you need to be involved, while you focus on your passion.

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